Saturday, September 20, 2014

6 months and 1 day later...

Well... things have been disappointingly slow and our 2 months in January has been a series of 5 more 2 month waits. We're now looking at November... mainly because, even though we are provisionally approved by the USCIS to adopt Petouchka, the US side hasn't succeeded in delivering our paper copy (as opposed to just our electronic file) of our paperwork to the US Embassy in Port au Prince. Ugh.... Frustrating!

So, as much as we had hoped to be celebrating Petouchka 10th birthday with her in our own home 1 week from tomorrow, it won't happen. Funny how last year at this time we were praying to have her home by Christmas. I guess we just forgot to specify WHICH Christmas. :-) Let's pray for Christmas of 2014!!!

Regardless, Dennis and I have had some amazingly fun and stress-relieving changes in our household over the past 6 months. We have all three kids playing strings with me and in the Raleigh Children's Orchestra (Simon still on cello, Ben back on viola, and Heidi taking after me on violin!) We have had the privilege of helping my parents move from 2 states away to 7 minutes away and love having them  so close. Finally, we have decided to take our children's education into our own hands and have started home schooling them... hence the birth of "Cardinal Direction Academy". It has been a breath of fresh air and relieved so much daily stress in our lives!!! All 5 of us are loving it.

As a result of our lifestyle changes, and 8 days off work in a row, we had some freedom to actually pick up and go visit Petouchka in Haiti this week before her birthday. :-) We have given the kids a week break from school, we have brave (and cheap) babysitters nearby (thanks, Dad and Mom!), and we are packed to leave tomorrow for a surprise visit with our little Haitian girl.

Stay tuned (if we have Wi-Fi, that it's) for our updates....
Thanks for all of your prayers and support through this journey!!
Shelby and Dennis

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