Sunday, April 7, 2013


I realize we are no longer the "Rogers-in-Haiti" at this point but ... our adoption story is not over yet so I figured we could continue our blog anyhow.  There are so many people who seemed to enjoy reading of our adventures that I want to continue to share for those who are walking this road with us or contemplating the same path as us.  So much of adoption (especially international adoption) is unknown or at least it seems to be a mystery that unfolds only one turn at a time.  If our experiences can help another person or couple in their attempt to give a child a forever home  then it is worth sharing...!

It's April 7th now and we have been home for several days.  I think we have gotten back into the swing of everyday life but still with the lessons and reminders we have learned during our week in Haiti.  Not that the week hasn't been challenging with the usual day to day life, but I think we all have a little different perspective on it as opposed to 2 weeks ago.

Ben, Simon, and Heidi have changed their daily prayers from "Please help us adopt Petoucheka." to a more insightful "Help Petoucheka not be sad that we are gone," or something more specific like "Help her sleep well tonight."  She is now a person rather than an idea.  They now see her as their sister!

While we were away, my nephew found out that we recycle our aluminum cans and send that money to Haiti to help with the orphanages - including the one where his cousin, Petoucheka, is staying.  As an act of service, he crushed every single aluminum can we had saved up so we could take them to recycling!  It's the little acts of service that show the true nature of the heart!

As an update to our process, the day we left Haiti (April 2nd) was the day our Dossier was completed and sent to the Haitian consulate in the USA for approval.  I am not sure how long this process usually takes but it involves government - both US and Haitian - so my assumption was that it was not a quick process.  Get this..... it was finished by the 4th (less than 48 hours later) and was waiting for DHL to pick it up and take it to Eveline's creche in PAP as of Friday afternoon (April 5th)!!  Wow, God is so good!!  I still hold out for Christmas to have her home... it is in God's hands and His timing!

I will close for now but look for more updates in the future.

In Christ,


  1. ALL THE TIME!!! So glad the kids got to go down and experience Haiti with you! Love ya T!!!!

  2. Petrouchka is an adorable little girl and I am very happy to have met her and to share these 10 days with her as well as the other children and teenagers of Notre Dame de la nativité.
    She was sad after your you left and walked around. Our presence brought some animation in the children's home, but I saw again the sadness in her eyes when we left.
    i wish to whole family a wonderful life with Petrcouchka and i will be very happy to hear about her. I have a very nice video from Petrouchka dancing. I try to send it to you. Sylvie one of the 3 french adopting moms
