Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Getting ready to go see our girl!

It's Tuesday, January 21st.
On Saturday, January 25th, we will be in Port-au-Prince, Haiti with our girl!

We will get to see, hug, talk with, and have family time with Petoucheka!
I can't wait. Dennis can't wait. Ben, Simon, and Heidi can't wait...!
Heidi made a count down to the day we leave. 3 days to go!!! So exciting!

Our bags are packed, backpacks are prepped, and donations are almost all gathered.
Now we need a few pack mules to help carry everything.... such a blessing!

It looks like we will have a couple of court appointments in Port-au-Prince on Monday to help move things along with the next step in the adoption process. From what we understand, it is feasible to have Petoucheka home by July. :D

In the meantime, we will enjoy a few days with her at the creche and try to set up some skype dates with family back here in the US. There are other kids at our creche who are being adopted to the US as well and we will try to skype with their families as well. I know that it's just so wonderful to see their sweet faces and hear their little voices - even from far away!

So - here's to the beginning of our second adventure with the five of us going to visit Petoucheka!

We will soon leave this snow (yes, even here in North Carolina) to enjoy the Caribbean sun and 88 degrees!

Follow with us on our trip... check with our blogsite as we update.

More to come,
Shelby, Dennis, Ben, Simon, & Heidi

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