Monday, January 27, 2014

Prayers Welcome

Extra prayer request this morning...

We are sitting here waiting on a chauffeur to take us to Court for 2-3 appointments today.  Petoucheka's birth mother arrived yesterday and spent the night here so she can accompany us to Court today. 

I am somewhat anxious and trying to let God calm me.  It must be hard to be in her shoes.  Watching another family make bonds with your flesh and blood.  I know she must have so many memories of when Petoucheka was born, holding her, and even giving her up.  How hard that must have been.  I know she did it out of love and wanting the best life possible for her daughter, but still - it must be difficult. 

Prayers for a successful day at Court, progress toward the adoption, and calm nerves throughout the day...!  Also for Ben, Simon, and Heidi to behave well as they are going with us to Court.  Only God can pull this day off!  He is soverign and we work in His timing and within His plan!  Still, extra prayers are welcome!!


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