Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March 26 - Good morning!!

Dear all Prayer Warriors,
We embark on an awesome adventure about 1 hour! (Go figure, I can't sleep!) 

As you know, Dennis and I are taking all 3 of our kids (Ben age 10.99999 yrs, Simon 9.5 yrs, and Heidi 7.5 yrs) to Port-au-Prince, Haiti over spring break. This trip is for them to meet the little girl that God has designated to be our 4th child - their sister and our daughter, Petoucheca (8 or 9 yrs old). We are excited for them to experience Haiti and to know what her life is like even now as we wait to bring her home. God has been so faithful to allow all the pieces to fall into place and He will see us through it. Many of you are curious about our travels and how you can pray for us so I am writing you now with some ideas....

The entire week we are in Haiti I think we will pretty much stay at the creche (orphanage) in PAP (Port-au-Prince) with Petoucheca! But - like always - our plans are always subject to change depending on God....

Here are some very specific prayer foci (plural of focus...!) you can use when praying for us...

Tuesday: Preparation and travel - Please pray that all 5 of us will open our hearts to God during the upcoming week. We need open hearts, minds, and eyes to see and understand all God will have in store for us! Pray for safe travel (with the kids flying only for the 2nd time ever and their 1st time leaving our country), no issues with customs or retrieving our luggage once we land in PAP, an easy transition in finding Eveline and getting to the creche. Also pray for us to experience a JOYOUS reunion / meeting with Petoucheca!

Wednesday: New surroundings - Pray for the kids adjustment to life in a 3rd world country (no running water, different food - no mac-n-cheese for Heidi!) and good health (with regards to drinking water and hand sanitation). Pray their eyes are opened to the PRIVILEGES we enjoy here in the US and how BLESSED we are even when we don't feel like it. Pray for Dennis and me (ok... mainly me) to have patience with them as they adjust. Pray we can trust God to keep them in His protective and guiding arms and that we are able to give them enough freedom / space to experience what God wants them to experience.

Thursday: Relationships - Pray for a bond between Ben, Simon, and Heidi with Petoucheca - finding the things that all kids have in common (despite a language barrier) and enjoying each other. Pray for the spirit of jealousy to be kept away and for unity among all 4 of them. Pray that Dennis and I will use wisdom in dividing our time and attention between our biological kids and Petoucheca.
Friday: Communication - Pray not only that we are able to remember to focus on Good Friday and what it means but that we can express that to the children at the creche in Haiti. Pray that we are able to communicate even with the language barrier and that God will allow us to learn to speak Kreyol and for them to be able to understand some of our English as well.

Saturday: Family - Pray that Dennis will bond with Petoucheca as the father she has never experienced. Pray that Ben, Simon, and Heidi see Petoucheca as a sister and accept her as one of them. Pray for a unique and close relationship to develop between us and Eveline (who runs the creche) so we may be a blessing to them now and in the future.

Sunday: Easter - Pray that we can focus on what Easter really means and enjoy being away from the commercial nature of it as we experience here in the USA. Let our hearts, eyes, and ears be opened as we experience their celebration of such a joyful day! Also pray that, despite the language barrier, we will be blessed by their church service and that it will make a lasting impact on our family. Oh... and pray that the kids Easter Egg Hunt is a success and that all of the kids enjoy it!

Monday: Preparing to leave - Pray for comfort as we wind down our trip and prepare to head home - unfortunately without Petoucheca. Wow, just typing this makes me want to cry. Pray that we will have made an impact on the creche during our brief stay and that Haiti has made a lasting impact in the minds and hearts of our family. Pray that the family bonds that God has begun between the 5 of us and our soon to be 6th family member will continue to grow even as we depart tomorrow! Pray that Petoucheca doesn't feel abandoned but has renewed hope of a "forever family" ever nearing on the horizon....!

Tuesday: Travel and permanence of impact - Again we ask for prayers for our travels home (driving in PAP, flights, customs, etc.) and for patience with each other as we will be worn out and emotional. Pray that God will continue to work in our hearts and our minds with the messages He wants to get through to each of us. Pray that we will continue to be mindful and remember the lessons we have learned during our week in Haiti. Pray that our attitudes and our lives will reflect the work God has done in our hearts during our time in His service.

Thank you in advance for your faithfulness!
Bondye bon, pou tout tan!!

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