Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday March 28th

Today was Thursday... and it was full as well!

First of all - Heidi managed to un-braid some of her hair in the night...  It was pretty while it lasted!

We started the day by trying to post yesterday's updates and giving Eveline some of our photos (compliments of both us and the entire orphanage of children!)  In exchange she showed us video and pictures from the earthquake of 2010 that devastated PAP.  She showed us a video of one girl (a 3 year) who survived underneath of the rubble for 48 hours before her rescue.  Very touching.... God saved her that day - just as He saved Eveline as well.  Eveline was detained and not in the building for dinner when the quake hit.  She has quite a moving testimony!

I made a significant discovery today - not all keyboards are created equally... Take a look at this French keyboard... I guess they use Z's a lot more than we do!!  LOL!

After our computer sessions, we enjoyed a wonderful lunch of rice and red beans with sauce, fried plantains, potato salad with carrots and onions and green peppers, as well as fried chicken.  Delicious!!!  Last night we tried a Haitian Cola that tasted like fruity cream soda... yummy!!

Apparently Ben and Heidi sang Jesus Loves Me in Kreyol and a bunch of the kids here joined in with them!  So proud they are trying to learn the language.  Even Simon - he loves to ask question about Kreyol!

We played with the kids and sat and talked for a bit before I got ready and went to mass with Eveline.  I have only been to a Catholic mass 2 other times since I got married and from what I remember, this was a bit different.  They had bongo drums and an acoustic guitar to accompany the choir.  Much of the ritual seemed the same but it was in French.  I was a bit lost with not being familiar with the mass first of all and then not knowing French.  I followed the lead of the ladies I was sitting next to.  The singing was beautiful and I enjoyed it!  Three and a half hours later, we returned to the orphanage in time to visit with the kids and get ready for dinner.

During dinner we performed our new routine of "Key Saw Yea" (what is this?) as we point to random items.  Petoucheca tells us in Kreyol then we tell her in English.  At one point she started parroting Heidi - every word and inflection!  It was funny!

After dinner we skyped with my family and they got to see Petoucheca again as well as meet Eveline.  We hope to set up a skype with Dennis' family for tomorrow evening.

Oh - and in the meantime, Simon lost a tooth.  We left a note for the Easter Bunny but not for the Tooth Fairy so it will have to wait till we return home....!

Everyone is SOOOOO tired -especially the kids, but we are too!  So happy we got to come and spend this time with Petoucheca and meet Eveline!

We hope you are enjoying the blog and following our adventures and our photos.  Thank you all for your prayers!!

In Christ,

PS - Apparently our information on Petoucheca's spelling of her name and her birthday are wrong...
It's PetoucheKa (and, yes, it IS her first name) and her birthday is 9-28-2004.  Things are just never for certain....!

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