Thursday, March 28, 2013

Wednesday's adventures

Yesterday was a full day!

We started the day with peanut butter and guava jelly sandwiches with bananas (figs).  I got my Haitian Peanut Butter Fix!  :)  Love it!  If I haven't shared the taste with any of you, just ask me when I return.  Just a little spicy kick to make you addicted!  Petoucheca had spaghetti with hot dogs and ketchup (yes, in the same bowl).

Afterwards, the kids took off.  Where - I'm not sure.  lol!  The entire compound is locked in and safe so we just let them run with the other kids.

 We saw the memorial to the 56 children lost during the earthquake in 2010.  Nine children were buried but lived while 56 others as well as one of their caretakers died that day....

Many times they checked in for various reasons... I'm hot!, I'm tired!, Whatcha doin?, Can I see the pictures?, My camera needs charged..., Can I have a snack?, Where is (insert name here)...?!

Heidi stuck with Petoucheca and the other girls (Marjorie, Ann, Renoldson, Bettina,  and Didine to name a few - spelling seriously subject to change!) while Ben wandered between some of the boys (Enock, Elieze, Son Son, Tiko, James, Bobby, and Carlo) as well as the girls.  Ben played some "football" which is soccer to us with a tennis ball.... a very conglomerate and confused sport!  We learned some Kreyol words and taught some English words.  We played "Keep Daddy's Hat away from Him!" and it turned into a game of full contact tag!  Simon and Heidi played tug of war with some of the kids using a garden hose.

Heidi is very impressed with the size of the breadfruit tree leaves - she thinks they make great fans!

We were taught clapping games and, depending on who was teaching, sometimes the rules changed with each round.  :)  The kids found a tile wall to slide down and ran all over the place.  Lots of energy expelled - but lots of sweating too!

Eveline brought us Sugarcane - Ben loved it, Simon liked it, Heidi passed after trying it.  I love it!  We saw a BIG rat below the area where we are staying - then we saw a cat (a rare sight in Haiti) that was half the size of the rat!  Chickens and chicks are all over the place and the kids are fascinated - you would think they had never seen one before.  We even found out that flamingos are native (although rare anymore) in Haiti. I had no idea....

Ben, Simon, and Heidi taught Petoucheca and Marjorie to play Go Fish - although I think it was more of a random "ask and give" type game...  

Dennis has a priceless picture of lunch on his blog for Tuesday!  :)  We also had fresh tomatoes, rice, fried plantains, and chips that may have been fried breadfruit but I'm not sure.  It was delicious!  And for dinner we had Kibe (like a ground beef and onion filled hush puppy) - Wow were they good!!!!  We are eating very well - and it's new and unique food for the kids and even for me (despite my previous visits to Haiti).

Anita taught me how to do Petoucheca's hair.  I will still take all of you up on the offers to tutor me in doing her hair!!!  I think it's will be easier than I think - but it's somewhat intimidating.  Eveline and Anita even separated and braided Heidi's hair last night.  Very pretty!

Simon spend a lot of the day on his own exploring - just as Simon usually does.  It's hard to get pictures of him with the kids since he's such a loaner.  I have tried!!!

And after much effort in socializing, Simon was ready for some quiet time with Blue Bear....  Dormi Byen!

We took Petoucheca aside last night and gave her a shirt from New Creation Church to match the rest of the family.  We told her it was a gift from the church. Her face lit up!  We also gave her the cards that the kids from our connect group had made for her.  I read them to her and she looked at each and every one. We also gave her the photo album that we made for her to introduce her to our family and home.  We had included letters from us, both sets of grandparents, and the kids.  I even translated the letters for her.  THAT was quite a job!  Thank you, Bing Translator....  She truly enjoyed her gifts. She said prayers with us and I took her to her room and tucked her into bed.  We have really enjoyed being with her!

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