Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

Today is another nice day.  It is not nearly as hot and sticky as the last couple with highs only in the mid 80's.  There is chance of rain but we will see if that happens or not.

So far today we handed out little cross necklaces to all the children here.  We also used a dry erase board to capture every ones name and age in a picture.  We had a system down.  Shelby grabbed names and ages, I measured heads and assembled the necklaces, and Simon was the official photographer.  There are a few people that we need to track down and photograph.

We also learned that today traditionally is a day where Haitians eat a lot so we had a big and tasty lunch.  Another traditional Good Friday food is beets with onions and carrots on top.  It is a food to give you good luck.

We also had watermelon which made Simon extremely happy.  I think he had half of it.  Surprisingly, Simon has been the best eater of the bunch.

We had red snapper again and this time it was staring at Ben.

I also pulled out the GPS to figure out exactly where we are.  Check this out on google maps:

Creche de Notre Dame de la Nativite

Ben, Simon and Heidi are settling in here.  Today they have been calm and relaxed and enjoying themselves.  Simon even told Evenline that he liked it here.

All in all it has been a good day.


  1. Hi there!!
    I went to Haiti in Feb, and was given your blog address to follow along with your story.

    We are pursuing the same thing you are :) Happy Good Friday!

  2. We are glad you can follow us and wish you all the best in your adoption too!
