Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday March 29th

 Wow!  It's 6:30pm and I'm worn out!  And despite the kids sleeping until almost 8am this morning!!

We started the day with breakfast consisting of fruit (banana, cantaloupe, oranges, and grapes), cheese or peanut butter and bread, and juice.  We had fun and I teased Petoucheka by switching seats with her and pretending to be her.  I said "Mwen rele Petoucheka" (My name is Petoucheka) and "Mwen blanc koule-ye!" (I am white now!)  :)  She giggled!  Then I said "Ou maman mwen, e ou pa gwo... ou petit!" (You're my Mom and you're not very big... you're small!)  It was funny!

Petoucheka grabbed my hand and took me outside to see the Jesus Film after breakfast.  I don't think I have ever seen it before....  She was engrossed in it!

Then I took Heidi and sat down outside with her and Petoucheka (soon followed by the 3 boys) to rebraid her hair.  She was pretty good about it and it looks nice.

We then began the long process of finding all the kids and getting their "Mug-shots"!  :)   I will post all of those in a separate post!  It went smoothly and after each one got their picture, we gave them a necklace with a cross on it for Good Friday.  I told them "Jodi-a, Jezi t e mouri pou ou.  Jezi renmen ou!" (Today, Jesus died for you.  Jesus loves you!|)  I think it proved to the kids that we came for them, and not just Petoucheka, when we decided to visit.  It made them individuals and gave us a name connection with each one of them.  Many were more talkative and receptive to us afterwards!

Next was the lunch experience!  We have succeeded in getting Eveline to eat with us the past two days for lunch!!  I guess ever since the earthquake she really doesn't sit down and eat.  Not sure why.  But we have gotten her to sit and join us and relax!  :)  We enjoy her company and she seems to enjoy our family interactions.  I think Dennis covered the food aspect of the meal so I'll move on...

 After lunch Eveline and I finished going through the gifts that we brought down.  We had already given one of the footballs (soccer balls to you all...) away to the older boys, but everything else was divided into three categories: Today - Here, Today - Neighborhood, and Later.  A few were given away inside to some neighborhood kids and the rest were distributed out side...

When we handed them out - the kids went CRAZY!!!  Balloons (especially the punching balloons), dolls, balls, glow bracelets, and suckers (Ben was the official "sucker-hander-outter") were the lot for today.  Another day will be Matchbox cars, bubbles, and who-knows-what-else!  The kids here and the ones in from the neighborhood LOVED them and they all played well together (even Simon!!!)  One little girl, Soine, really went wild with her punching balloon (bigger than her) until it finally popped.  And when it did - Dennis and I looked at each other and waited.  But no crying, pouting, begging for another, or anger.  She just picked up the doll and started throwing it back and forth with Dennis instead!!!  What a lesson - wonder if our kids picked up on it?

Kids wandered and played today as usual - but they seemed to get along even better today and really stuck together! And I think they are worn out too........

We had taken a small tour of the neighborhood and took some pictures of the outside of the creche.  We saw kids flying little kites and others playing football (soccer).  I was more comfortable than I expected to be walking around PAP, but then again, we were with Eveline, close to the creche, and she knew everybody around.

We presented Petoucheka with her gifts from us today... I think she liked them!  She's still wearing the plastic sandals that light up with different colors when you walk... so that's a good sign. :)  Looks like the clothes will fit and she seemed to like the suitcase too!



At present, Dennis is giving Ben a sponge bath, with the other two close to follow, dinner is in the future, and hopefully a skype date with Dennis' parents.

Again... did I mention that I'm beat?!?!


  1. That is so absolutely cool. So happy you all could be there especially for the kids to see how others live but making it a very positive experience. Want to take our kids to see another way others live to really appreciate how spoiled we really are. God bless you all and everyone there. Happy Easter. Great pictures too. Very cool!

  2. So enjoyed the skype last night, thank you. We read the blog daily and of course keep you in prayer. Looks like things are going smoothly. Love ya all!
